Bobby Valentino

Gallery - The Musician

Click images to enlarge

The Electric Bluebirds

The Fabulous Poodles

The Fabulous Poodles

With Rolf Harris

The Fabulous Poodles
Epic Promo

The Fabulous Poodles at
The Brown Bear

The Fabulous Poodles

The Fabulous Poodles

The Fabulous Poodles

The Fabulous Poodles

The Hank Wangford Band

The Hank Wangford Band

The Hank Wangford Band

Los Pistoleros

Los Pistoleros

Los Pistoleros

Los Pistoleros

Los Pistoleros

At The Hammersmith

In the studio with
Haysi Fantayzee

On set of video shoot

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